Added new manual: “CONNECTORS”
- xcontents
- new attribute dynThumbService added to the following classes in order to pass to JDelivery service the URL returning the best thumbnail available:
- MDeliveryInfoMinimal
- MContentWall
- MContentResult
- JContentList.showContents: added following parameters
- xcontentIds: allows filtering giveng a proper xcontentId list
- metadata: allows filtering given a custom metadata
- following deprecated fields have been permanently deleted:
- MContentCriteria.status
- MContent.visibility
- MContent.referenceId
- MTag.status
- MContent4Locale.status
September 8, 2014
- xcontents
- new example added in “JAVA® Client snippet” section, showing how to create a class using JMediaContent.findbyproperties
- Jcontent.findByProperties: added divArea parameter to gain best fitting thumbnail for the desired resolution
- MContentResult.bestthumbsUrl: added attribute to indicate the best thumbnail according to divArea values
- MMetadata.value: characters maximum limit is now 2.000.000
- MContentPageletParams.body: characters maximum limit into a page's body is now 10.000.000
- MClientProperties.secureConnectionEnabled: added new property to indicate if connection towards THRON must exploit HTTPS
- MCategory: system folders description has been detailed
- JClient: new services to update client properties
- JDelivery.getTumbnails: new service without authentication to obtain content's thumbnail for a specific area
- JMetadata.updateSingleMetadata: new service to update a single metadata related to a specific content
- JComment: new services for managing, moderating and inserting new comments
- xadmin
- new example added in “JAVA® Client snippet” section, showing how to create a class using JMediaContent.findbyproperties
- JPublishInWeeboExpress.publishPagelet: new express service to publish a new "Page"
- JPublishingProcess.getContentTypes: new service to get proper contentType directly from a fileName. It is useful for knowing which content type can be published from a given source file
- new list for detailing during content's creation
- MContentDescription.metadata: new list of MContentMetadata objecys for detailing custom metadata during content's creation
- JPublishingProcess: now xcontentId can be used
- MAppCriteria.appPrettyIds: new field for filtering through app's prettyId
- MApp.prettyId: new field pointing a prettyId to be used as App's identification. prettyId is used mainly by connectors, where users can define a custom identification
- MApp.appSubType: indicates custom sub-classification for applications. It depends on app's type and it is used to identify the app within the store
- MAppCriteria.appSubType: new search criteria by appSubType
- xsso
- new example added in “JAVA® Client snippet” section, showing how to create a class using JMediaContent.findbyproperties
- MVUserNotificationProperties.autoSubscribeToCategories: new attribute to define wheter a user must be automatically subscribed to floders notifications
- JVUserManager.findByProperties: updated service to allow users search through custom metadata list
- JUsersGroupManager.findGroupsByProperties: updated service to allow groups search through custom metadata list
- JVuserManager.remove: user removal service depracated. Service has been replaced by JDashBoard.migrateUserStuff in xadmin, to allow user's migration towards a new platform
- JVuserManager.create: new restrictions on allowed usernames:
- following special characters cannot be used: §/$&#<>"?*:\|
- spaces are not allowed
- cannot start with _
- cannot start with !
- maximum allowed length: 50 characters
- xpackager
- JRepository.getFtpFileList: now it is possible to order by mimetype